Study & Teaching
Study Physics!
What does a physics study look like? How is the study routine going? What is special about studying physics at the University of Bayreuth and what opinion do other students have about it? And how can I apply?
Bachelor Degree in Physics
Our Bachelor degree programm in Physics is both research-oriented and job-oriented. It leads to a first professional qualification and prepares students for further research-oriented master's programs in scientific disciplines.
Bachelor Degree in Physics (before WS 2024/2025)
This page describes the Bachelor degree programme in Physics for students who started before the winter semester 2024/25.
Master Degree in Physics
The Bachelor degree programme has not answered many of your questions yet? Do you wish to gain in-depth insights into current topics of physics research? Are you looking for a crisis-proof qualification for a dynamic job market? Then the Master's programme in Physics is the right choice for you.
Teacher Education Physics
If you want to teach physics at a school, then your are ideally prepared by one of our teacher education programms. In Bayreuth, you can study physics in combination with another subject, with the aim of becoming a teacher at high school, secondary school or professional school. The degree programs are divided into a Bachelor's and a Master's degree and lead to the first state examination.
Physics Lab Courses
The physics lab courses play an important role in physics studies. Here you learn to conduct, document and evaluate experiments. At the same time, the labs deepen the subjects learned in the lecture. As the degree course progresses, the experiments that are carried out become more and more complex and approach current research topics in the Master's degree program.
In the teaching-learning lab that is currently being set up, teaching students will try their hand at teaching physics, and pupils from nearby schools will gain deeper insights into physics that are not possible during lessons at school.
Study abroad
Studying abroad is not only the best way to get to know other countries, ideas, languages and cultures, but is also becoming increasingly important as an academic and professional success factor. During your studies of physics at the University of Bayreuth you have many opportunities for a stay abroad.